xiiuuu: ah for now. maybe u can explore map. and try to fight new monster. and dont forget to read the forums. there some tips from advanced player.
2 hours ago
suna_bd: just want to ask what spell combo to use for farming at my level. thanks a lot! newbie here
3 hours ago
moneyisgod: I was the one to suggest one shot = more exp. That round was actually fun since people were playing... Too bad daksh had to ruin it by making 16 zod iii
5 days ago
moneyisgod: Milking mobs in general was a dodgy idea. For years the meta for gpvp was having no items equipped, milking mobs 10+ levels above players with actual strength... why reward weakness?
5 days ago
moneyisgod: Hexaru round was the worst. They introduced siege mob that round and if you didnt have a spawner you lost. I already had str sp and was 10+ levels ahead from smobs... then everyone milked siege and the dark age of BD began
5 days ago