⚔ Filii Draco™ ⚔
Filii Draco means Dragon Descendants translated from Latin. We are the shokhan - half human, half dragon. Following in our ancestors path of peace we travel through the valley of the shadow of death tempting evil to show it's horrendous face so we can cleanse the sins, then purge what's left. We are of peace, forever trying to regrow the Grove of Life - to restore peace and order to the world of mayhem.

☮ Filii Draco Forever ☮
Points: 148
Castles occupied: 0
Members (3/100):Active: 0/3 (0%)

demonicspawn (Level 62) 1802 days ago

dragonmistress (Level 57) 1802 days ago

jombang (Level 29) 2516 days ago