🌳♥️ 4EVER ♥️🌳
🌳♥️ Whatever you are physically---male or female, strong or weak, healthy or ill---all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrrior, you are an ~OakHeart~. Heroes are remembered but ~OakHeart~ never die. Long Live ~OakHeart~ ♥️🌳
Points: 652
Castles occupied: 0
Members (8/100):Active: 0/8 (0%)

trelacey (Level 99) 2194 days ago

aether (Level 97) 2191 days ago

str4y-d0g (Level 97) 1346 days ago

pubg (Level 92) 2193 days ago

punisher45 (Level 87) 1817 days ago

xxxmegaloboxxxx (Level 85) 2193 days ago

horizontals (Level 52) 2160 days ago

---olaf--- (Level 43) 2193 days ago