⚔️Oak Never Dies⚔️

Whatever you are physically---male or female, strong or weak, healthy or ill---all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrrior, you are an ~OakHeart~. Heroes are remembered but ~OakHeart~ never die. Long Live ~OakHeart~!
Points: 626
Castles occupied: 0
Members (7/100):Active: 0/7 (0%)

piscium (Level 103) 236 days ago

vulpecula (Level 101) 424 days ago

-ripped- (Level 101) 75 days ago

spongebeb (Level 96) 416 days ago

-diyuene- (Level 86) 429 days ago

_xena_ (Level 71) 148 days ago

grey-fullbuster (Level 68) 242 days ago