Anti Karen Faction
F the karens

If i didn't send u a tag
That means u haven't asked me.
If you did asked me but still no tag means I haven't sent it yet .
If i sent it but you haven't receive it yet means you're already in a clan.
If you're not in a clan and u asked me and still didn't receive it , means i really don't like you ;D 😉 😂😂😂😂
Points: 528
Castles occupied: 0
Members (5/100):Active: 0/5 (0%)

yultide (Level 134) 33 days ago

unrestricted (Level 132) 141 days ago

astro_w0rld (Level 95) 69 days ago

reign_deer (Level 87) 154 days ago

borntorun (Level 80) 35 days ago