Map/Item/Monster suggestions (249) (idiot_terror)
New trade system ideas post here (42) (cybot)
Spell ideas (228) (idiot_terror)
Ideas on BD's update. (324) (mammut01)
WARNING - Do Not Click URLs (2) (cherokee_rose)
About this forum (1) (dreamer)
reset monster skil points (1) (francois)
New Payments For Credits (4) (fireboy)
daily activity (1) (atikat19)
new druid spell inplosion (elite) (7) (slayer_007)
New Ideas For Dreamer (2) (silicon)
Worship temples (3) (0vrmykne)
Change in the level system - changing how it works - etc (2) (lance_cocuski)
Skulls (3) (kalevala)
revive item for pet (5) (-aik-)
amazons with shields? (1) (manboy257)
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