Map/Item/Monster suggestions (249) (idiot_terror)
New trade system ideas post here (42) (cybot)
Spell ideas (228) (idiot_terror)
Ideas on BD's update. (324) (mammut01)
WARNING - Do Not Click URLs (2) (cherokee_rose)
About this forum (1) (dreamer)
King (1) (-saladin-)
Lvup Rewards!! (4) (holypaladin9)
New class (1) (lordbei)
PvP REQUEST!! (1) (kikaigazerock)
Stupid items ideas (9) (cherokee_rose)
New Battle modes!!! (1) (pk_machine)
make looting gems (1) (flamegirl)
Who thinks sounds should be added to BD? (3) (taco1234)
s2 suggestions (1) (biskwit)
Stats reset (item) (1) (kikaigazerock)
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