General » What is the best Gold or Stamina Drop you have found?
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mutley1996: 12stamina 100gold :L Not amazing *cringe*
12-04-23 23:01
shirako123: 19stam and 13k on Portal of Glory
12-03-27 00:47
drkjusts: i found 4.4 k gold an 9 stam is best i found on ground n green dragon area
11-01-26 09:41
axis23: oops! wrong post, that should be 2.4 k gold and 8 stam.. qwerty keypad sucks
11-01-25 14:33
deathnote13: just got 20stamina from killing hell steed and 10kgold from bone dragon
11-01-23 23:51
hanzel619: 1k gold and 10stamina
11-01-23 03:51
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