Right im gonna use a wolf for example. All pets would work the same just this was the first that came into my mind.
Firstly you would need 2 level say 75 wolf pets. You take them to the breeder and pay an ammount of gold or credits to breed them. What will be born is effectivly a +1 wolf. Its name would be say 'killer wolf' wrote in white as there is nothing too special about it but its a bit better than normal with higher starting stats and a better stat progression as it levels. The pey would start back at level1 and have to be levels up again.
Step 2 you now take 2 of these killer wolfs at level 75 and breed them together to make a wolf+2 new name 'rabid wolf' its name would be wrote in green as it is a rare pet. Its stats would be a good ammount better than the killer wolfs but alot better than a normal wolf.
Next you breed your 2 Rabid wolfs and create a +3 level 1 'lethal wolf'. Name in blue to signify its rarity over the rabid and killer versions. Again this would be better again by a long way to the previous.
As you guessed it breed the 2 level 75 lethal wolfs to make your +4 wolf or Master wolf again name doesnt interest me its just for explaining. This pets name would be wrote in purple as it is an epic pet. alot of hard work has went into this pet and it will show! compared to a wolf this pet will seem like a dragon of sorts. obviously maybe not that strong but still a really solid pet.
lastly you breed 2 master wolfs and creat the +5 or legendary version of the pet. Its name would be wrote in Orange as legendary gear is in all mmos. This last wolf may even be a whole new named pet. Allow the player to name his hard earned effort themselves. The legendary pet would stand amazingly strong and compared to the wolf you started with would be a monster you yourself would not like to fight with.
Well thats basicly my take on a mmo pet breeding idea. If you are going to add something to an mmo game please make it something that takes alot of time and rewards that. Imagine the credits players could earn by breeding legendary pets or infact even rare pets to sell
14-11-26 04:02
WHEN: lvl50(pet)
WHERE: @ breeder korgyn
HOW: using fusion scroll
STATS: add eater 25% original stat of the eaten pet (bunos not counted)
REQ: higher lvl & status required must use
DONE: 3/3
CAUTION: only dragons can eat dragons
CONFLICT: "post_it_here"
OTHERS: "post_it_here"
14-11-25 18:41
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