Ideas » New scrolling idea (mms)
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loir: sorry man but its pay to win again and i honestly thing its killing the game.

i had an idea for monster orbs. basicly any monster on the game could drop an orb for that monster even dragons and super mobs. This orb crafted with a piece of gear and a scroll would garentee that monsters title on your weapon.

basicly they would have a 0.001% chance of falling from a kill but it would unlock new rare titles and obviously a behemoth orb wouldnt affect boots but you get the idea. Maybe a s2 only deal? dreamer likes makind money ;)
14-12-02 04:20
retromus: lol i just had an idea and yeah it might be good.. anyways here, a mighty magic scroll (mms) maybe you select 3-5 titles and you choose what gear to scroll (just like sms) amd it will jave am even chance of getting one of those titles . it should be alot more than a magic scroll but alot cheaper than a super magic scroll. im thinking it can only be in credits menu to make things easier.. and yeah :/
14-12-01 15:11
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