Ideas » confermation screen
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sjustin: I think it would be good and would help stop alot of accidental item loss if after u select to destroy an item there be a confermation screen. I know it will slow u down if ur destroying multiple items but it would stop ppl from accedentally destroyed.
11-01-20 04:00
sjustin: *destroying items* not destroyed. Sorry. Thanx for everything dreamer! BD is the best wap game ive ever played! Soo addicting lol
11-01-20 04:03
katrine: ya accidents will eventualy occur whether u like it or not and u'll gonna feel frustrated if u destroyed a rare item
11-01-22 08:43
swtdrmz: i had a forum like this.. n this was dreamer's answer ;)
11-01-24 10:08
swtdrmz: Forums
Ideas » "do u really want to destroy" option
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swtdrmz: thank YOU so much dreamer i know YOUR busy guy .. GREAT GAME by the way n ty again :)
11-01-11 13:09
dreamer: This will be done as soon as the things settle down a bit, I'm aware of this problem.
11-01-10 10:16
11-01-10 07:59
swtdrmz: i accidentally destroy'd some boots i was look'n at ;(
11-01-09 12:47
deathnote13: yeah this idea is good cause i alway changing my helm but once that i have wrongly click destroy item that so bad
11-01-09 12:34
swtdrmz: a msg ask'n "do u really want to destroy this item?" option would be nice in case u accidentally hit destroy option :(
11-01-24 10:08
sjustins: yea my friend accidentally destroyed his war bonnet!
11-01-24 10:14
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