Ideas » Idea for conlfux
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mfaiz: What if the idea of the quest for conflux is
1.effret cap
2.giant's asaulth helm
3.elf wolf head
4.harpy hag undead crown
5.dendroid crown
6.unicorn hawk helm
7.medusa skul cap
8.vampire antlres
15-01-06 12:45
druidofdragon: ideas for conlfux i thin from shiled
1-medusa heraldik shiled
2-monk's crown shild
3-imp's ghotik shiled
4-golem large shiled
5-devil's aerin shiled
6-wol'f small shild
7-buckler of streng v
8-lizar targe

thx dremer
15-01-09 07:55
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