-asmodeus-: lets see what d.a (death angel) gets for a mere 1000c : 1. same keeper space as diablos 2. same spells as diablos (ignore bd slayer spell) 3. can equip all gears as diablos 4. can adopt all class pets except the viy 5. minimum of 100 skill points like diablos.. d.a can get even more than diablos here. (possible). 6. the undue advantage of the druid class setting bug , like diablos. ..... ..... what do they have to pay - 1. one day of leveling well in a easy server to get to lvl 100. two days at max. 2. 1000c .. what diablos pay: 1. 2-3 months of hard play and effort . 2. several thousands of credits 3. investment with a uncertainty throughout. 4. compete in a hardcore low experience server.
but if you want to put d.a. to use 2 class make more class choose for d.a. but i see in this time death class better now d.a. same same have 1.5 class boost(class choose and 75% spell cashbut no got boost wisdom) and d.a. can use class gear with not need status to use it and on class rune too that no need status to use.but if you see diabo need status to use class item and on class rune too.that need status.and i see now d.a. is awesom class easy to got easy play use only 1000C that is 1000c 1000 lol but diabo is s2 winner and kill black dragon for got that class alot of c spen and d.a. class ulti very easy too got.before i got d.a. class i use 2 mouth to got d.a. i start play this game with not have every thing but i congrat in s2 and u see now i already got better gear.or if you want to make d.a. can use 2 class plz fix bug 75% spell cast first.
15-01-06 18:03
15-01-06 18:04
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