zhypmk: i agree we need mana leech
11-02-01 07:53
wiggie: Aw. Didnt see that@teeta, wel, if there wont b mana leeching item/gem, how about a special item OR unique MOnster title that could lessen the mana usage by percentage, or by percentage also increases the amount of spell damage consuming the same mana requirements...
11-01-23 04:28
deathnote13: yeah the implosion always draining my mana ..thats why i turn to be a druid usng physical damage not a spel caster
11-01-22 10:47
teeta: Aw dang! Look in the Announcements forum, in the Skulls thread... Dreamer said that no mana leech gem will be made. So I guess this is a rejected idea...
11-01-22 09:43
teeta: Mana leech would be great. I usually run out of mana and stamina before I run out of health anyway.
11-01-22 09:38
katrine: ya mana leech or mana regeneration should have in this game thats why many druid user was been disencouraged to make there druid a spell caster one because of slow mana regen and spell dependency to kill monsters thats why they now relying on physical damage the essence of a druid being a magic user is now fading
11-01-22 05:09