General » All the rules in one place...
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cherokee_rose: This is just a placeholder, since someone keeps making changes to the PINNED topics that contain rules of the game.... In no particular order, I'm saving a copy of the existing forums here:

General » Chat rules
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Please remember, there are kids that do play here, too.
12-01-06 07:09 Delete
dalex: We Are Many Moderators Now , No one will Ban you unfair , If u think you baned unfair or got a problem PM ME. or muttleyaxe. thanks.
11-12-14 17:33 Delete
dalex: *that rules as written by muttleyaxe.
i never ban some one unfair.
*If you found your post delete that better than found your self Baned.

*NEW RULE : You cant EVADE BAN. Mean if i ban you with 1 of your accounts. don't come & argue and chat with players & still what u was if you back with any other character you will got same time limit ban. i Ban player not character.
*if you baned unfair pm Dreamer i write what the reason you baned for.
*Have Fun all.
11-12-11 17:04 Delete
dalex: However, there's nothing wrong in "lmao" as it is very widely used. " This means no more usage in wtf, lmfao, lmmfao, etc.
Do not spam chat, this includes with smileys. Remember, chat is ENGLISH only. There is a forum for smileys, players.
Keep real life personal problems out of chat. Also, Rascism and rascist remarks are bannable offenses.
Keep it clean in chat. No Vulgarity and excessive taunting that causes chat disruption. No spamming in chat, or flooding with long trade listings or heavy usage of smileys, it can stall some cellphones.
Keep any account selling private. Chat is English only. Also, please remember, kids play this game.
11-12-11 16:45 Delete


General » GAME RULES as set by the admin!
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cherokee_rose: Taken from recent announcements and added here as a CLEAR reminder:

Dreamer: "...we still want to send a clear message out there that glitching is NOT tolerated and ANY suspicious behavior should be reported immediately without taking benefit from it. Thank you."
14-10-19 21:00 Delete
cherokee_rose: dreamer: STOP questioning/discussing bans -> this will result in a ban for you. That should be out & not allowed officially.
14-10-15 05:45 Delete
-jecht-: Lately some players feel the need to troll chat(intentionally causing drama and bullying players in chat)THIS IS A DISRUPTION IN CHATROOM...clearly against rules set by Dreamer. Advise players to read rules of game that you agree to abide by when you create your chr in Blackdragon...thanks
14-09-20 00:29 Delete
-jecht-: PETS... Sorry for not replying earlier but this is not a glitch - more Pets can always be bought from marketplace and this is not considered illegal. All is fine and acceptable this way. Just the Pet breeder won’t allow you to have more pets if you have 3 already. This message was directly from Dreamer regarding this matter...
14-01-14 15:12 Delete
-jecht-: Has been brought to my attention in recent weeks by players about postings in TRADE CHAT. TRADE CHAT is just that...its for posting buying/selling/trading of items by players. It isn't a chat room for other conversations such as you don"t like a players prices/gears or using as a general chat room intended to remove postings by players trying to buy/sell/trade items. Have a little respect for fellow players that are trying to buy/sell/trade items just as do the same for you.
13-07-23 18:04 Delete
cherokee_rose: private credit sales (9)

NEW Mods » private credit sales
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dreamer: Private sells should NOT be allowed.
12-06-23 13:21
13-06-09 10:03 Delete

muttleyaxe: Posting of Battle Reports in Chat is no longer allowed per Dreamer, owner/admin, of this game. The long postings can slow down some phones. Thanks!
13-04-12 23:04 Delete
muttleyaxe: NEVER share or give out your password to your account. You are responsible for anything that happens via that account.

"WARNING " no selling or buying accounts.

Please note that selling credits for real money is NOT allowed as this always leads to scams in real life. We shouldn't let this happen so if you see anyone offering their credits (note: selling for php load in Philippines), it is suspendable offense
Please remember, there are kids that do play here, too.
When putting items in market it is NOT advisable to use the BACK function on your browser, whether it be phone or PC. We cannot correct errors made by players in market, sorry.

Also rules apply to mail and in the game if your unfamiliar with them ask muttley

EXCESSIVE CURSING IN CHAT OR FORUMS IS STILL BANNABLE. Ass is included in that. Remember, kids do play this game too.

All caps in chat any chat room anywhere you go is considered yelling. Please do not use all caps.

General cursing is still bannable. Minor usage such as damn as long as not excessive is one thing but b*, f words, c* word are. Please don't play naive people.

This Is straight from the admin, players, and will be enforced by moderators as far as the usage of 'f' in abbreviated chat and forum postings.
" dreamer: Personally, I believe that if "f" is used in abbreviated curse word, then it shouldn't be allowed. However, there's nothing wrong in "lmao" as it is very widely used. " This means no more usage in wtf, lmfao, lmmfao, etc.

Do not spam chat, this includes with smileys. Remember, chat is ENGLISH only. There is a forum for smileys, players.

Keep real life personal problems out of chat. Also, Rascism and rascist remarks are bannable offenses.

Keep it clean in chat. No Vulgarity and excessive taunting that causes chat disruption. No spamming in chat, or flooding with long trade listings or heavy usage of smileys, it can stall some cellphones.
13-04-01 20:04 Delete


General » Game Rules - as set by Admin - INDONESIAN
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cherokee_rose: PETS ... Maaf untuk tidak membalas sebelumnya tapi ini bukan kesalahan - banyak Hewan selalu dapat dibeli dari pasar dan ini tidak dianggap ilegal. Semua baik-baik saja dan dapat diterima dengan cara ini. Hanya peternak Pet tidak akan memungkinkan Anda untuk memiliki lebih banyak hewan peliharaan jika Anda memiliki 3 sudah. Pesan ini adalah langsung dari Dreamer mengenai hal ini

Telah saya perhatikan dalam beberapa pekan terakhir oleh pemain tentang posting di TRADE CHAT. PERDAGANGAN CHAT hanya itu ... untuk memposting membeli / menjual / perdagangan item dengan pemain. Ini bukan chat room untuk percakapan lain seperti Anda tidak seperti pemain harga / perlengkapan atau menggunakan sebagai general chat room yang ditujukan untuk menghapus posting oleh pemain mencoba untuk membeli / menjual / item perdagangan. Memiliki sedikit rasa hormat untuk sesama pemain yang mencoba untuk membeli item / menjual / perdagangan seperti melakukan hal yang sama untuk Anda.

Jangan PERNAH berbagi atau memberikan password untuk account Anda. Anda bertanggung jawab untuk apa pun yang terjadi melalui akun itu. " ERINGATAN" tidak menjual atau membeli account. Harap dicatat bahwa menjual kredit dengan uang sungguhan TIDAK diperbolehkan karena hal ini selalu mengarah ke penipuan dalam kehidupan nyata. Kita tidak boleh membiarkan ini terjadi jadi jika Anda melihat orang menawarkan kredit mereka (catatan: jual untuk beban php di Filipina), itu adalah pelanggaran bisa dicabut BIARKAN BERSIH DI CHAT DAN FORUM UMUM.
Harap diingat, ada anak-anak yang bermain di sini, juga. Ketika menempatkan item di pasar itu TIDAK dianjurkan untuk menggunakan fungsi BACK pada browser Anda, apakah itu ponsel atau PC. Kita tidak bisa memperbaiki kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh pemain di pasar, maaf. Juga aturan berlaku untuk mail dan dalam permainan jika Anda terbiasa dengan mereka meminta MENGUTUK Muttley BERLEBIHAN DALAM CHAT FORUM ATAU MASIH BANNABLE. Ass termasuk dalam itu. Ingat, anak-anak bermain game ini juga.
Semua caps di chat chat room di mana pun Anda pergi dianggap berteriak. Jangan gunakan huruf besar semua. Mengutuk umum masih bannable. Penggunaan ringan seperti sialan asalkan tidak berlebihan adalah satu hal tapi b *, kata f, c * kata yang. Harap jangan bermain orang naif. Ini adalah langsung dari admin, pemain, dan akan diberlakukan oleh moderator sejauh penggunaan 'f' di disingkat chatting dan forum posting. " reamer: Secara pribadi, saya percaya bahwa jika" f ". Digunakan dalam disingkat kata kutukan, maka seharusnya tidak diperbolehkan Namun, tidak ada yang salah dalam" lmao ". Karena sangat banyak digunakan" Ini berarti tidak ada penggunaan yang lebih dalam wtf, LMFAO, lmmfao, dll
Jangan spam yang chatting, ini termasuk dengan smiley. Ingat, chat ENGLISH saja. Ada forum untuk smiley, pemain. Menjaga masalah pribadi yang nyata hidup dari chatting. Juga, Rascism dan komentar rascist adalah pelanggaran bannable. Jaga agar tetap bersih di chat. Tidak vulgar dan mengejek berlebihan yang menyebabkan gangguan chatting. Tidak ada spamming di chat, atau penuh dengan listing perdagangan panjang atau berat penggunaan smiley, dapat mengulur beberapa ponsel

Mods bekerja keras menegakan aturan. Itu membuat sakit kepala besar kadang-kadang. Dan tidak seperti Anda tidak membuat / memiliki teman. Sebagian besar orang tampak seperti saya, tetapi mereka juga tahu bahwa bahkan jika mereka teman-teman saya, saya akan melarang mereka untuk melakukan hal yang salah.
14-01-29 04:09 Delete


General » Religion, Politics & More
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cherokee_rose: This is a game. This is not:

a. A religious forum.
b. A political forum.
c. A social forum.

We are here to play the game. The fact that we socialize somewhat is irrelevant. Many people who play this game NEVER socialize. Politics, religion & sex are all prohibited topics because of the animosity that those subjects engender.

Please avoid these topics in forums and in chat.
13-06-24 12:59 Delete
15-01-19 08:35
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