cherokee_rose: I'm updating my records and will also update the forums. I will be leaving the information that lists the ingredients all by themselves, but my list reflects the Recipe, its Ingredients, along with the item's Stats and Requirements.
I know this information is in the Library, for the most part, but the forums are outdated.
Just looking for some of your preferences on how I categorize the forum.
Would you prefer:
-By Class/No Class?
-By Level Requirments?
-By Old versus New?
-By s2/s1 availability?
15-01-22 03:50
chaosxxx: well all the know the alphabet

so yeah
15-01-22 03:50
apocalx: alphabetical or by level best option but if possible also just write S1/S2 next to recipe name..
15-01-22 03:57
boudica: Alphabetical...
Alphabetical, within class, in order of level & by server...
15-01-22 04:07
humboltpittbull: Alphabetical would be fine with me. Like in library put s2 to indicate which server to find items.. No s2 means s1..
15-01-22 05:24