Ideas » class evovolution
teekaythebeast: I was thinking maybe It would be a good idea to make class upgrade for an example a druid becomes a arch druid and that class gets 75% of their base damage and main atribute added to it. Here's a list u could maybe use

Druid -> Arch Druid

Barb -> Viking

Necro -> Grand Necromancer

Paladin -> Aztec warrior

Death angel -> Supreme Death Angel

A person can updgrade when they hit level 100 and the cost could be 250 to 500 credits hope you take this into consideration
15-01-23 16:16
teekaythebeast: And when u upgrade u go back to level 1
15-01-23 16:17
loir: There has been many better versions of this posted over the last 5 years and dreamer hasent took note of any so far. One time when a heraldon(bdv2) forum was opened he actually commented on one saying 'what would be the purpose of this if not just a name change' and that unfortunatly was thr last ever said on the matter. Im not sure if its just too much hard work for dreamer or if other reasons but i dont see it happening. Even tho i know its fully possible as it could be made like death angel and reset to level 1 as you have said so im assuming its the work load.

Also credits? Really? Thats something to add to the game to give players to work towards haha. Try and think of this as a game and not a money making scheme. Read threw these forums at the many good ideas on how to advance class. Yes a second option of shortcut with credits should be there but another method needa worked out aswell.

The one with crystals is still my favorite. Rare drops from monsters and players would trade an ammount of them to advance. Say 40 hard crystal and 20 sharp to go one way or 40 sharp and 20 hard the other. Dreamer then can add new advanced classes and change the ammounts of crystals needed to transform. So he may decide amazon gets a new advanced class on top of the firat 2 an decide it needs 35 of each crystal to change. Or 80 hard or whatever. Thid would mean after the initial work load it would be easier to upgrade a bit at a time.

Then dreamer adds a 'buy random crystal' credit option for players. People could sell the crystala in mp to make credits also. They would have to have a drop rate of magic scrolls without diamond or premium membership even if you had purchased either
15-01-23 16:41
ninetail1: Great idea
17-10-26 04:43
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