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**Necromancer** The rulers of the dark world. They appeared in the darkness among the fallen warriors in their graves. They are armed with spells that haven't been seen by the eye of the living. They came from the from dark world to collect more souls in the land for their master....
-+Later Classes+-
**Amazon** These ladies are considered as the best hunter amongst them all. They came in the land in search for the one monster they all want to hunt, the Black Dragon. Upon hearing about the Black Dragon they built their home along the swamps and the jungle, waiting for it to appear....
-+Later Classes+-
**Assassin** Considered as the deadliest. Be careful when fighting one and be sure not to fight one when you are wounded as it can kill you with one strike. They came in the land upon hearing the treasure that the Black Dragon has. Hiding among the caves, they wait patiently for the Black Dragon to appear....
-+Later Classes+-
**Death Angel** For one to strong, he must die and be reborn again. Gifted with the power of Barbarian's strength, the secrets of the Druid's knowledge, the courage of the strong-willed Paladin, the abilities of a necromancer, the marksmanship of an amazon and the swiftness of an assassin. These creatures sacrificed all that they have done to gain these powers. As being reborn again, they fight their way as a new one and not the old one....
-+Later Classes+-
**Diablo** The power of the Black dragon in the hands of a human. The gift of the slayer of the Black Dragon, they are considered as the strongest among all....
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**Barbarian** They came from a far away land in search for strong enemies. Gifted with the power of strength these brutes lived along the rocky mountains of the Krewlod. The Barbarians made an oath that they will never leave the land until there are no more monsters....
-+Class Origins+-
**Druid** A race of powerful magicians. They choosed to live in the forests of Enroth to study how nature affects elements. With the their great knowledge on the elements, the Druids can deal high magical damage on enemies as they grow stronger....
-+Class Origins+-
**Paladin** A well organized class from the race of knighthoods. These soldiers are trained among the high walls of the Erathia to be warriors. With their training on both swordsmanship and sorcery they have advantage on any kinds of enemies. As loyal men to King, they are also in taking care of the land.
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