Ideas » points after gaining a level
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zhypmk: true well forget i mentioned this then lol
11-02-01 07:34
most1ted: I probably have 100dex without putting a saphires lol
11-01-31 13:00
zhypmk: i ment after he added more point after lvl
11-01-31 11:58
bluntslayer: have u tried a behemoth, green, or red dragon?
11-01-31 05:10
zhy420: yea thats true but id be preaty kwl if dreamer did that and also added way stronger monsters
11-01-29 04:39
machete: i wouldnt be fair to all the high lvl players who have had to lvl up 1 point at a time
11-01-29 01:02
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