General » NEW PINOY!!!
hanzel619: but maybe, they are correct..we Filipinos should also respect other players here by speaking the language which all can understand..
11-01-28 16:58
idiot_terror: But I will agree if dreamer will divide the General forum and add links like "International" which only english language allowed and "Others" which you can post any dialect.
11-01-28 16:44
idiot_terror: When you change site language like with lituanians, the forum and chat are really different, somehow that makes them like having own world. I guess its the reason why I only see few lituanians communicate to people in other country which makes them indifferent as well.
11-01-28 16:38
kickbuttowzki: . .i apriciate that. . but y they need 2 ban d fillipino? Its only a language . .f xum1 wants 2 rid it in english jus say . .cus we cn transl8 it in english. .
11-01-28 15:34
vision: Well not really, can an English speaking pino please translate this for me...

I have now problem with all chat amongst you. I respect the fact that many of you are very talkative and communicate well. However, I hope you can understand the frustration of some players when 9 out of 10 threads is in a language they don't understand. If you were to change your language setting to Lithuanian you would see the forums become entirely different. I think it would be best if dreamer would create separate forums for all pino. Until then, is it at all possible that you can keep communication within the MAIN pino thread. Again I appreciate your communication skills. However, for english speaking players is does get a little annoying. How would you like to make a thread hoping others would read it, only to find hours later five other threads on a language you don't even speak have bumped yours
off the list
11-01-28 06:03
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