-fubu-: Happend to me 3x this round..1st. While attacking hell ghoul my browser got blank page/white screen then when I go to map I'm dead but doesn't lost any of my equipped item. 2nd. Hell ghoul again, same as the 1st got white screen, go to map and I'm dead, I checked my gears and sadly lost 2 equipped gears (god's warlord crest and the ultimate warlord sign). I'm trying to retrieve it but it says I don't have any lost item.. 3rd. Devill king. Same as 1st and 2nd, I got blank page, went to map, I'm dead as usual.. Checked my gears and lost my hh entropy.. Trying to retrieve but it says no item lost... Somebody please fix it.. Sigh
15-03-14 05:34
-fubu-: Just now.. Same thing happend again.. Lost my ultimate warlord sign again...
15-03-14 06:59
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