1) Clans may fight against each other , the losing clan gives up 1 of their cj boosts (at random)
2) If the leader of an apposing clan sends a war request ,the receiving clan must either accept or decline the war.
If the war is accepted the clans will have a certain amount of time to gear up(jewels may be used but not ultimate jewels or health and mana increase).
3) If a player dies in a war , clan mates may heal that player but only a maximum of (3) times after that amount has been exceeded that player is than removed from the war
4) Clan ranking is determined by the number of wins and losses a clan has instead of number of players and their levels
5) The clan war timer should be displayed in the main menu of the game/clans main menu. When the timer makes it to 1 minute a notice is sent to the clan members to gather in the battle arena(other players may not be able to attack a player that is in/ is going to be in a war). When the clock hits 0 ,players are redirected to a (Clan war battle phase) a window showing all the clan members names and the (attack) button under it.
Thank you
15-03-26 14:33
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