Ideas » New Weapons
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exodus: I think we should have a weapon that has an ANTI-ELEMENT on it. So barbarian can catch-up with spells. An ANTI-ELEMENT that can kill a specific monster. Example:

Monster: 100%protection on fire
User's weapon: anti-fire element 20%.

It will be a bit offensive and fine for barbarians. I would like this weapon to be the new weapon for barbarians who can't cast spell.
11-01-31 04:38
exodus: A weapon that has a Mana Drain for Druids.

A weapon that has a after shock damage(5% of your total damage will be added) for Paladins.
11-01-31 04:43
d3dr3d: bad idea first class that needs upgraded is necro
11-01-31 05:11
zhypmk: yup bad idea
11-01-31 06:22
idiot_terror: i would ask first a new shield rather than new weapon :)
11-01-31 11:09
exodus: My 1st priority by proposing this matter is to make others quit on complaining. In a way that barbarians can't cast spells.

But if they will analyze what barbarians capability. Their is no such things as spellcaster barbarian.

@idiot_terror, i've been thinking of a shield that has a reflect damage on it. I don't know if this one will click.

The reflect damage will depends on the percentage of the total damages that you have received.

But i think this thread won't go further. Because it's not considered as idea according to what dreamer's posted about this forum. Maybe i'll just think of something else.

Anyway, thanks for your responses.
11-01-31 13:19
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