Ideas » Black Dragon Bosses !
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-lucian-: -good-
15-04-22 10:47
-ghostlykillerz-: Pretty solid idea I guess....-good-
15-04-22 10:44
neoplit: +++++++++++++
15-04-21 19:47
beastytee: If you like my idea please tell your friends about it and let's make this dream a reality the more comments made onto this the better our chances :)
15-04-21 19:41
beastytee: I got this idea while playing the last s2 but I didn't think it was anything good at the time but now I've made up my mind and decided to let everybody know what I think would be a great addition to the game so here goes !

I've noticed some people quitting this game because of boredom or slow levelling, laziness maybe so here's what I think

1) Make Mob bosses that could reward the individual/party with a stat bonus/rare item of some sort if the boss is killed

Why I think this might get more players into the spirit of hunting ?

Everybody would love a little challenge and the feeling of earning something through hard work.

How will this work?

Make a dungeon for levels 30+ that can be found in the battle arena ( since its the heart/centre of bd)

2) Players may enter the dungeon alone/ in a party(reduced reward if you join a party)

What mobs do we expect to find in this dungeon?

Depending on the level dungeon you have entered it will have a different set of mobs and bosses inside

Example( level 30 dungeon quest can have a "White wolf" as a boss , level 80 can have "Kreya" as a boss

How may 1 proceed through this system?

Rewards can be given based on:

Most mobs killed
Most damage
And the final
Boss kill

To proceed to the bosses room , players must 1st kill 100 mobs guarding the boss, and only then will the boss spawn

How will the dungeon work?

Players must sign up to join dungeon raids and maybe it could occur only on the weekends say 3 times a day 10am,2pm and 6pm in game time
Cost:(5 credit)

how will this keep the game fun?

Add pvp with no gear drops ( if you die you get the usual respawn time but you spawn in the dungeon

List of mobs we could possibly find

1) White wolf( lvl30-49)

2) Dread knight(50-69)


4) Fire kind(90-99)

5) Demon King(100+)

Thank you for reading my idea and I really hope this idea can 1 day be used in black dragon :)
15-04-21 19:35
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