Ideas » Inventory Status
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exodus: Are you a mad hunter?

And frustated to loot some rare items?

Heres the ideal status for the hunters.

"The Inventory Status!"

When we killed a monster and we didnt notice that our inventory is already full.

By the help of this inventory status were aware if we have reached the maximum capacity of our inventory.


Health: ???/???
Mana: ???/???
Stamina: ???/???
Inventory: 16/16

By the help of this we can now hunt conviniently.

Happy hunting! -ok-
11-02-01 07:39
naru: Good idea
11-02-01 09:09
teeta: Very good idea!
11-02-01 20:42
bork: Like! And this shud be shown when ur in MAP mode where as inbox(0), profile, items(n),map,fora,chat
forum plural is
11-02-01 20:59
zhy420: yes agree with bork but also original idea they should be in both places
11-02-01 22:40
wiggie: great thinker, prolly apply it for every inbox link.
11-02-02 00:48
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