It would be very risky adopting more than the 3 pets you're intended to have and could potentially cause loss of higher level pets that you would not want to lose.
I'd suggest you post the bug in full and conditions that need met for it to work in full here for us all too... Haha nah, tell dreamer bud, try and make it as easy to follow as possible so he can fix it easier.
I would suggest releasing any extra pets you have as since this is a bug and is not how it was originally intended. It's very possible you may come across a situation that would of never been possible with only 3 pets, this would mean you would be carrying out actions that the programming has no way of dealing with and could result in a lot of losses information. If that information is a pet you have levelled to a good level then you'll regret it

15-05-26 05:22
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