How about we set a party system.
"A 3 man cell".
In this case we can prevent others by complaining that their monster that they have hitted is being killed by other players.
Then the war exploads in chat,forums,and inbox.
The Party System will have an even allocation of gold,and experience.
The distrubution of items will be alternate.
The first loot will be given to the member#1, and so on.
But to make it fair. The items distrubution will just count if your in active status.
To prevent someone spoiling with doing nothing.
And for the additional purpose of being in a CLAN. The Party System is only available to the ones who have clan.
The Clan leader is the only one capable of forming a party.
If all the members our in the same guild the party has the chance gain 1points in 1,000,000 experience of the party.
The Party Systen will level up from the experience gained by the group.
There will be 5 levels.
Level 1: if the party experience reached 1,000,000 experience. There will be 1 pts given on their guild(if everyone is in the same guild) if not, there will be a free 10stamina. This benefits is only exclusive for the same guild members and if not. That one will gain free 10stamina.
Level 2: 2,000,000 experience will be equivalent to another 1 pt. And if not a member of the same guild free 20 stamina.
Level 3: 3,000,000 experience=1pt if in the same guild. If not free 30 stamina.
Level 4: 4,000,000 experience=1pt if in the same guild. If not free 40 stamina.
Level 5: 5,000,000 experience=1pt if in the same guild. If not free 50 stamina.
The highiest party level is 5.
But theres more...
There will be a award for the one who contributes more in the party.
The award will be given weekly.
Same as the awarding in Quest. You need to surpass the experience contribution of all the players.
The party experience has no limit. But the benefits is only for 5 levels.
This one will make players more active,united,and be more competitive.
Feel free to critic.
11-02-01 11:33
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