FAQ & Information » Super mobs spell sets
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hastas: illusionz@ this topic is to understand what spells s.mobs are using. Is not topic how to defeat them
15-06-11 09:07
illusionz: Fire ball against a fire dragon? They have protection from fire.
15-06-10 20:54
hastas: Hell ghoul: frenzy, weakness, slow;

Fire dragon: fire ball, fire ball, armageddon(master);

Undead hydra: frenzy, slow, slow;

Demon king: frenzy, frenzy, dispel;

Demon lord: frenzy, armageddon, weakness;

Ogre king: frenzy, meteor shower, meteor shower;

Devil king: weakness, heal, armageddon.
15-06-09 17:34
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