mamenss23: and u should put a item that can only bought using a PVP points !!!
11-02-06 11:56
mamenss23: and why u add A class leader !! like in paladin there will be a leader to be chosen to lead for d war !!! and about the war !!! the point is there should be a boss that we all will kill who killed the boss will be awarded !!! and u can also have a notification saying that (want to join war) if yes you can attack d boss and pvp with players !! if not u can just watch or just pass by !!
11-02-06 11:55
mamenss23: dreamer why wont u add a some lyk
a war !!! between d 3 class !!
in battle arena ,buy only in a certain time lyk 6:00-7:00
and when u kill one u earn pvp points !!
or A pvp on potion that when u use u can attack a player for a lyk only 5mins ..... so that black dragon will hav some fun !!! not always lvling up !!!
11-02-06 11:51
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