Ideas » Black Dragon
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nitecrew: Game shouldnt end with black dragon lol. It continues . It could be the strongest dragon in game
11-03-16 21:24
spoink: blackdagon should be dfted by not a single player only...
11-03-15 19:31
dalex: very nice idea it will be like a war .. what about to make team players all team got items no 1 because no one want steal it from his self >.
11-03-06 15:33
bork: Dont make the blackdragon come out yet, it feels like the game is about to end.. :(
how about baby or asistant blackdragons -rofl-
and it should require an event before fightin it- like participation to an event whereas players fight to win the chance to be eaten alive by the blackdragon :)
11-03-01 08:29
exodus: How about a monster requirement before you can fight with black dragon. A special place like ";Dragons Great Lands" first you have to face the bronze dragon,second will be the silver dragon, and the third one before the black dragon is Golden Dragon. The 3 mighty dragons must be slain first before you can pass to the next map.
Each mighty dragon is located at the 3 different maps. In order to make the hunt more thrilling and lots of stamina will be spent. I prefer to locate these dragons right after the" dragon vault,dragon cave,and dragon cliffs" and then when the 3 mighty dragons has been slain. Black dragon will appears. To proof that you have killed the 3 mighty dragons there will be a QUEST ITEM that will be dropped by those dragons. The Bronze Nail of the dragon,Silver Tail of the Dragon, and The Golden eye of the dragon. I would like to add a special inventory space just for these quest items. Just a 3 slots and then the players can now enter the Black Dragons Lair "The Dragons Great Land".

- Still credits for sjustin's idea. I just made it clear to prevent complication. Feel free to Critic. -
11-02-28 21:20
storer: lol ur shot bro. the black dragon sholdnt even be accesable for neone under like lvl 80 lol
11-02-12 05:01
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