Ideas » Multi Update Ideas
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redragon1: New Update(1):Pants

to a become more powerful/perfect equipment we need pants in equipment delete equipment ring #1 and change to a pants,

New Update(2):Pauldorns

to a become more powerful/perfect equipment we need pauldorns in equipment delete equipment amulet and change to a pauldorns,

New Update(3):Daily Reward

please dreamer update a daily reward for player login/day to make a perfect game

New Update(4):New Menu

plese dreamer update a new menu(dungeons/event/other)for/week and the reward is common equipment in expert mode
rare equipment and items/gem/gold in hardcore mode
common rune/jewel and items rare/equipment rare in professional mode

New Update(5):New Class

please dreamer make a new class in BD but must pay/free
*Black Knight Warrior
must kill black dragon in map/events and pay 25,000c

*Rust Knight Warrior
must kill rust dragon in map/event and pay 20,000c

*Abadonned Warrior
must kill crystal dragon in map/event and pay 18,500c

free at sign up in BD/or pay 5c
15-07-31 08:17
redragon1: New Update 6 : New Land

please dreamer make a new land in BD server #1 lvl 50-150 with monster many exp

New Update 7 : New Mode

dreamer,can you make a new mode for player
*God Mode
double 3x items get
double 4x exp get
cant,be attack by other players but can attack other player for 2hours/day
can cast spell a magic free no mana for 2hour/day
15-07-31 14:14
redragon1: New Update (8) : New Monster

a have idea to make a new monster sir dreamer with super stats
example :
Hell Jungle Dragon
Spells Attack=
Hell Raiser Beam(10%)
Dmg 5000-15000
Heal the health Max

Dragon Beam
Increace Str,Dex,And Dmg 5x
Heal the health 1/2
15-08-07 09:56
beastytee: O.o and how do u think normal players will kill these things diablos yes but not us
15-08-22 12:52
beastytee: And I wouldn't pay more than 100c for a class yet alone 20,000c u should try and think about ideas before posting then reddragon
15-08-22 12:54
boudica: You paid 100c for your D.A.?
15-08-25 08:04
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