Ideas » pet trade
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demon_king_1st: we should be able to perform pet trade just as we trade items, etc.
many of us have friends here on BD that are willing to help us out wit pets, etc.
but most importantly there could be two players who both have great pets but they each want the pets that the other one has...sometimes they might put it up in mp for a cheap price so that the other one can buy it, but sometimes this process may fail as there are many other players that might come across it in the mp and buy it before the player that it was meant for.
this would cause the person who's selling it to make a great lost as the pet might be worth more than what it was sold for.
anyways my point is pet trade would be a lot easier and faster and there won't be any risks of loosing the pet as i mentioned above. :D
hope you guys support this idea (y)
demon_king_1st signing off see yah
15-08-08 22:39
demon_king_1st: for those who agree with this idea please add comments.
15-08-08 22:21
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