r3drum: Hmmm I think a limitataion would be a good thing maybe once a month would be better
11-02-16 02:02
r3drum: Only thing this would really help is for rings and amulets the best gears are pieced items with titles this would not involve pieces
11-02-16 02:01
zhypmk: i disagree with this whole idea kus if u use that credit option u automatically get the best weapons or gear then the main fun of the game and challanging part would be gone.
11-02-16 00:57
livingdeadgirl: The funny thing is... R3drum cannot afford to buy credits. So as far as him wanting "an unfair advantage", you are incorrect. Yes, half the fun is finding the items. But OVER half the time, you get crap drops. I believe it to be a good idea, although I agree with Jony on the price being lowered slightly. And I think that if this WAS to be put into the game, that it should be limited to one time a day, or maybe even a once a week service.
11-02-15 20:19
r3drum: Credits can be earned through market place there is no advantage anymore half the people that use credits don't buy them now also as for playing on server 3 if i there were no wipeout then i'd love to try playing this game without market and trading but not gonna put my hard work into a char just to have it destroyed
11-02-15 20:18
judgement: My opinion on this idea is this...... *flush* half the fun is trying to find the items u want. credits already allow premium advantages that others dont have. And now with teleport as a credit option..those that use them will be hopping from area to area and make quest hunting even harder. Be thankful you have the advantages you have.
11-02-15 19:59