Ideas » Idea: Bounties
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horizontal: The reward could only be given by the person listing the bounty.
15-09-07 14:34
orical: This has all been suggested before by myself and others. The main problem is that you can have multiple accounts here very easy. This means you can claim rewards for beating yourself and its really easy to unequip gear to allow victory.

I doubt many would use the option when they realize this is an option so all the work would be for nothing unfortunately
15-09-06 20:15
horizontal: I got a good idea for getting revenge on someone you aren't strong enough to defeat:

There could be an Icon on home called "Bounties".

For example, you are a lvl 50 barbarian. You enter a castle and a lvl 60 druid comes along and kills you. Now you won't be able to defeat that lvl 60 druid so you get others to do the dirty work for you :P

So you go to home, press on the Bounties icon then press "Set bounty". You then write down the players name, and you write how many credits you will give to the person who kills the druid. There would be a minimum amount of credits of about 3 or 5 (or maybe it could depend on the persons level).

Now the druid who has a bounty his head would be able to be attacked wherever he/she is. Not sure if the level bracket would still work for it.

So as soon as somebody kills that druid they will receive the credits.

If you go to bounties, it will show all the bounties available, the ones rewarding most credits and the top and the ones rewarding the least credits last.

Example of bounty page:


Set Bounty

srush level 81 Barbarian
Award: 40 Credits
Location: Goblins Village
Level Bracket: 80-84

voltage lvl 26 Paladin
Award: 15 Credits
Location: Peasants Village
Level Bracket: 25-29
15-09-06 07:15
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