mamenss23: why did oreo didnt use the
milk dunk spell.??? lol...haha...
11-04-08 14:47
ovrmykne: To get back on topic yes I killed monster 2 times tonight and got I lost and it rezed. Mods do something...what do you do? Btw dreamer I want my trophies
11-04-03 07:46
oniichan: I encounter this bug 2 but i think the explanation 2 this is that if the monster that u have just killed have more hits the final round when it dies and the message on top is "batlle lost" the monster will just regenerate.
11-03-29 18:43
smashu: why does oreo have so much health? i would just eat it lol
11-03-22 21:53
exodus: I'm talking about may point of explaining the matter. How about you? Do you have any explaination to make? Or the right to pissed someones post just to satisfy yourself?.
11-03-19 04:31