You lost the battle
Round 1
Cupcake use spell Murder: 60 spell damage. (Oreo health left: 384)
Cupcake hits oreo: 107 hit damage
(Oreo health left: 277)
Oreo use spell Flying cookie: 59 spell damage. (cupcake health left: 756)
Oreo hits Cupcake: 123 hit damage (cupcake health left: 633)
Round 2
Cupcake use spell Murder: 53 damage. (Oreo health left: 224)
Cupcake hits oreo: 78 damage
Oreo health left: 149)
Oreo use spell Flying cookie: 65 spell damage. (cupcake health left: 56

Oreo hits Cupcake: 234 hit damage (cupcake health left: 334)
Round 3
Cupcake use spell Murder: 61 damage. (Oreo health left: 85)
Cupcake hits oreo: 110 damage
Oreo (died)
Cupcake total hit damage: 469
Oreo total hit damage: 481.
When you click on the map again.
(MAP screen)
Would you like to attack:
Level: 269
Health: -25/14344
That will appears.
It would be just like an advance damage to the next monster. But still you lost the last battle. I hope this make things now clear.
11-03-18 10:14

11-02-21 05:27

For example you have 100hp and you recieved a total of 101 damage from enemy, probably you are dead already but if u use mana shield, some of damages were absorbed (same thing happen with heal).
11-02-16 20:33