General » sting-rage *†* dark-sting *†* v1per-hand_st1ng
illusionz: Thank you for the tribute, dreamer!

Go st1ng!!!

The Vlynt Pinnacle [Lvl 61] [change] A monument to the St1ng-rage.
16-06-24 16:28
-bristleback-: Rest In Peace my little bro, you will never be forgotten.. we love you.
15-10-25 07:46
daddy-0: Thank you Illusionz your tribute and the kind words of all have touched me deeply Bobby loved his madrina his first family as he called Oakheart clan as well as his beloved deathdealers, night shadows beer overkill his dear uncles & Dizzy his loving auntie. Roberto Guerrero my son was touched by many lives here and touched many in turn. BD allowed Bobby to prove that being a quadriplegic was in no way a handicap here and though he suffered from kidney disease he played until the day he passed away... So thank you all once again.
15-10-11 14:28
beastytee: R.I.P sting.. I remember when you 1st joined oakheart and how cheerful you were, thank you for being such a great guy brother, gone way to soon but you will never be forgotten! You will live on through all of us , your friends and family here in BD. Rest peacefully bro, and may the heavens take care of you till we meet again.
15-09-22 21:38
boudica: What a touching tribute to the most courageous warrior BD ever had. We are better people for having known him. Go to your rest great warrior, you've earned it. ;(
15-09-19 10:41
-novalia-: Rock on, little one! We continue your battle while you rest in peace ;(
15-09-18 23:40
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