mamenss23: just guesin
the best way 2 know is ask dreamer.
11-02-20 11:50
prototype: Lol thats long. But that means my pet gets ~1k xp per battle on a quest :o
11-02-20 10:49
idiot_terror: Ok, my bear recieved 10%Exp from Exp I gained each battle..
11-02-20 08:44
idiot_terror: I dunno but i guess it's less than 25%. I could level up my pet faster if it gives that much
11-02-20 08:19
mamenss23: i think its lyk dis
u won d battle and u got 200exp
u will devide it in2 four
and ur pet will gain
jst a guess
11-02-20 06:57
idiot_terror: i only wanted to know is how many %Exp my pet can gain each battle..
11-02-20 00:23