General » Remember When ....
lightning: Do any of the original players remember when we voted for a player - mediator ? Does any1 know how that came out ?
11-02-19 23:37
vision: yeah I think smot got the most votes.. don't know if he still even plays..
smot where are you???
problem is moderator comes with a price.. you cannot trade with or attack other players.. like dreamer
11-02-20 04:29
lightning: Smot quit a while back .
11-02-20 05:35
machete: ill be moderator for server3
11-02-20 05:50
dreamer: I believe that very soon something like this will be done.. Moderator is needed for all users/forums/chat, not a particular server. I can't follow everything, especially when there are more users playing and more importantly - it takes lots of precious time.
11-02-20 10:18
darkshot: if i could i wish to be at mod at server1 im mostly on all day everyday not becuz i dont got a life its just i take a lot of online classes and this game gets addicting
11-02-20 13:21
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