Bugs » quests
zhypmk: Anyone else haveing quest problems? Im 1 hit away ok kill then it says i lost the battle and says quest has full health again why?
11-02-20 22:43
livingdeadgirl: Yep. I'm having the same problem. I just 'killed' a fire messenger, then it fully regenerated its health. I wouldn't complain, cause its extra experience, but i ended up running outta stamina, AND got jumped. Lol.
11-02-21 04:21
sjustins: yea its happend to me multiple times on my server2 chr. 3 times i killed one arctic sharpshooter and it didnt die. also on a few other quests and a giant.
11-02-21 05:30
sjustins: dreamer said it mite be fixed...
11-02-21 13:58
sjustin85: ok not compleatly fixed yet. still work in progress i guess. it happend to me again yesterday but only once. not as much as it was happining
11-02-22 12:46
zhypmk: still happening
11-02-22 21:21
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