loir: Seems server 1 is just a bank. I fully stand by anyone who would like to improve it. Dreamer should definitely consider upgrading it as the server 2 runs will surely become more stale. It's nice all the rewards on server 2 but if the rewards have no purpose other than bragging rights then sooner or later the players will stop.
I may be missing the fact that some players here have been here so long they may never leave. My parents play a dumb mafia wars game on fb that thay started 7 year ago and that's really dump. Just another text based thing but it does have updates to the regular game.
It's annoying because dreamer is very capable and I can't wait to see what he has waiting
15-11-20 12:50
jelly-bean: I just want this game fun ... who agree??? Suport
15-11-13 06:18
-jecht-: Server 1 could be more fun...players make it the way it is or isn't. Sadly server is quiet during a period of time that Server 2 is ongoing. Just saying...
15-11-12 05:57
ichabod_crane: Quizzes are fun

Sometimes veteran players hold quizzes/trivia questions in chat.
15-11-11 19:00
beorn: S1 & s3 need update
15-11-11 18:43