Ideas » Clan Storage
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prototype: Wouldn't it be nice if you and members of your clan could store items into the clan storage, so people who need those items could withdraw them.
11-02-22 17:11
nipz: Yes it would. I think that would be very helpful. Only problem I could forsee with it would be someone taking everything out of it, and then leaving the clan. Maybe put a restriction on how many items can be gotten per day?
11-02-22 17:21
zhypmk: that would still make ppl steal are items maybe give clan leader to allow permison to clan storage for like 1 min that way only trusted clan members kud get to it.
11-02-23 00:46
idiot_terror: Or a coffers which you can store golds, 1000golds/level. You can withdraw/deposit 5 times in 24hrs
11-02-23 02:24
darkshot: U could make a limit on how many items or let the highly trusted ones give the gear to the people who need it
11-02-24 13:59
prototype: I dunno, I just want an easier way to give items to clan members. Takes ages to meet up and trade.
11-02-24 17:08
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