br0nt0c: A newzone with new items and mOnsters, that require a key for you to enter.. And ths key also need to be crafted meaning they coMe in pieces.. So a new slot in items for keys is required, and portals can be found in bttle arena area,, what do you thnk bout this..ü
11-05-12 20:15
br0nt0c: I mean gates nOt portal, be found in bttle arena..
11-05-12 20:16
nitrogen: suggestion= market that we can buy pieces
its hard to find pieces to craft,
11-05-12 21:00
muttleyaxe: There is a Market. It's on the Home Page.
11-05-12 21:02
paly2: he is on server 2 its harder for him to find piece muttley
11-05-13 06:13
muttleyaxe: Don't server #2 players have access to the market place?
11-05-13 18:20