General » Lands/monsters suggestions!
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kevin_esp: Make a QUEST DUNGEON that u can only enter if u have a ENTRY CARD that can be buy on npc's,

if u enter on quest dungeon's u kill first how many monster's that requires u to enter the nxt room,until u can reach to the final room which u can fight the boss eg.(WAR ZEALOT KING)and if u kill the boss u can get items that are rare!

Eg. For the quest dungeon land!

Dungeon name:war zealots cave

entry card name:war zealots entry card

Lvl 50

thats my suggestion!
10-11-21 04:22
drktwister: good idea kevin, i like ur suggesti0n
10-11-21 05:01
tok3r: theirs no need for that, pretty soon we'll have the lvl 60 quest.
10-11-21 08:45
deathnote13: yah i want that idea
10-12-02 01:15
alndra: hm.... how about dark side of our heroes..... like dark paladin, dark barbarian, dark druid, or the evil boss of our heroes like evil paladin boss, dark druid Priest or barbarian evil king.....? or anything similar like that........
10-12-17 14:50
alndra: hm.... how about dark side of our heroes..... like dark paladin, dark barbarian, dark druid, or the evil boss of our heroes like evil paladin boss, dark druid Priest or barbarian evil king.....? or anything similar like that........
10-12-17 14:50
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