kilerika01: i have one idea that creet mp named Legedery items so it will be eazy to find item that you need
16-01-18 18:02
loir: So your idea is this *i want you to make a rare pet that I can buy, also increase my drop rate and storage +50 on top of premium/diamond depending what I'm using*
I like rare pets, I just don't like when you can't play to earn things (I'd sooner pay because I'm lazy. But if the option to do it the hard way doesn't even exsist I'm not interested)
15-12-23 05:11
corvusyoutube: Maybe we can have some kind of menu in which the menu you can choose to donate to Black Dragon RPG, but not get anything in return except a few perks. The perks would be the following:
•+.75 Chance of rare drop
•A less overpowered version of Premium, like maybe +50 storage space, et cetera
•A Chat Symbol that signifies you as a donator
•Last but not least a Donator-only pet.
15-12-20 11:30
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