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jendral_grt: Assasin-shadow assasin blade
Barbarian-grimsteel reaver
Druid-archdruid station
Paladin-heirloom sword
Please help me
15-12-25 10:21
rah_kyah: Dropped Items For Recipes


Aerin Shield: Medusa's - Recipe of Mirror of Vistira
Angelic Axe: Cyclop's - Recipe of Endkindled cleaver
Angelic Axe: Skeleton's - Recipe of Claw of fury
Antlers: Bowman's - Recipe of Harmony of all
Antlers: Elf's - Recipe of Elven battlemage cowl
Antlers: Elf's - Recipe of Elven ring
Antlers: Gargoyle's - Recipe of Helm of nobility
Archangel's Ring - Recipe of Champion's edge
Arctic Boots: Vampire's - Recipe of Grace of night
Assassin's Blade (V) - Recipe of Assassin's kiss
Assassin's Blade (V) - Recipe of Shadow assassin blade
Assassin's Dirk (V) - Recipe of Assassin's kiss
Assassin's Kiss: Ancient behemoth's - Recipe of Circle of death
Assault Helm: Medusa's - Recipe of Chaos glare
Assault Helm: Medusa's - Recipe of Fire king's crown
Assault Helm: Vampire lord's - Recipe of Mask of slaughter
Avenger Guard of Damage (V) - Recipe of Death helm
Avenger Guard: Efreet's - Recipe of The warlord's horns
Avenger Guard: Efreet's - Recipe of Sight of the eagle
Assassin's Talons (V) - Recipe of Shadow assassin blade


Balanced Axe: Harpy's - Recipe of Soulburn
Balanced Axe of Mana (V) - Recipe of Desert fire
Balanced Axe: Ogre's - Recipe of Addiction
Barbarian's Broad Axe (V) - Recipe of Istaura's justice
Barbarian's Great Axe (V) - Recipe of Blackened tooth of Karsha
Barbarian's Great Axe (V) - Recipe of Ravager axe
Barbarian's Large Axe (V) - Recipe of Ravager axe
Bastard Sword of Damage (V) - Recipe of Bloodletter
Battle Boots: Griffin's - Recipe of Panther's paw
Battle Staff: Minotaur's - Recipe of Archdruid's station
Blood Leather Armor: Imp's - Recipe of Bloodspeaker robe
Blood Leather Armor: Pit fiend's - Recipe of Vigilant hauberk
Bone Flesh: Golem's - Recipe of Oakcase
Bone Shield: Ogre's - Recipe of Berserker shield
Bone Wand: Crusader's - Recipe of Hands of flame


Cap: Imp's - Recipe of Elven battlemage cowl
Ceremonial Bow: Ancient behemoth's - Recipe of Soldier's justice
Ceremonial Bow: Medusa's - Recipe of Cliffkiller
Chain Boots: Basilisk's - Recipe of Beastmaster boots
Chain Boots: Magi's - Recipe of The warlord's tread
Chain Boots: Pegasus' - Recipe of Elven battlemage boots
Chain Mail: Pit lord's - Recipe of The warlord's cage
Chu-ko-nu: Monk's - Recipe of Ichorsting
Claws of Strength (V) - Recipe of Bear claws
Crossbow: Crusader's - Recipe of Doomslinger
Crown of Damage (V) - Recipe of Beastmaster helmet
Crown Shield: Champion's - Recipe of Royal shield
Crown Shield: Champion's - Recipe of Berserker shield


Dagger: Gremlin's - Recipe of Citaa
Demon's Amulet - Recipe of Fire king's crown
Demon Head: Ogre's - Recipe of Tyrant's horns
Demon Head: Vampire's - Recipe of Shadow assassin mask
Demon Head: Vampire's - Recipe of Wyrmskin cowl
Demons Baron's Amulet - Recipe of Fire king's trappings
Demons Baron's Amulet - Recipe of Fire king's foecrusher
Demons Baron's Amulet - Recipe of The warlord's crest
Demons Baron's Amulet - Recipe of Hunter's mark
Demons Baron's Ring - Recipe of Fire king's will
Demons Baron's Ring - Recipe of Fire king's will
Druid's Battle Staff (V) - Recipe of The soul vortex
Druid's War Staff (V) - Recipe of The soul vortex
Dwarf's Amulet - Recipe of Bear claws
Dwarf's Amulet - Recipe of Eternal beauty
Dwarf's Amulet - Recipe of Eternal dignity


Falcon Mask: Bowman's - Recipe of Eternal beauty
Fanged Helm: Imp's - Recipe of The warlord's horns
Flamberge: Cyclop king's - Recipe of Blackened tooth of Karsha
Forest Boots: Pixie's - Recipe of Growth of ages
Full Helm: Basilisk's - Recipe of The iron crown
Full Helm: Magi's - Recipe of Serpent of Vistira
Full Helm: Monk's - Recipe of Ravager helm
Full Helm: Unicorn's - Recipe of Champion's helm
Full Plate Mail: Chaos hydra's - Recipe of Elven battlemage robe
Full Plate Mail: Hydra's - Recipe of Nature's avatar


Genies Ruler's Amulet - Recipe of Magic amulet
Genies Ruler's Amulet - Recipe of Magic amulet
Giant Axe: Cyclop King's - Recipe of Thunderstroke
Giant Axe of Strength (V) - Recipe of Fire king's foecrusher
Glorious Gold Dragon's Amulet - Recipe of Master's charm
Glorious Sword: Crusader's - Recipe of Heirloom sword
Glorious Sword: Crusader's- Recipe of Frenzy
Gnarled Staff: Elf's - Recipe of Archdruid's station
Gold Skin: Elf's - Recipe of Forgotten armor
Gold Skin: Monk's - Recipe of Purifier vestments
Gorgon's Ring - Recipe of Beastmaster helmet
Gothic Mail: Hydra's - Recipe of Ancient's majesty
Gothic Mail: Hydra's - Recipe of Entropy
Gothic Shield: Champion's - Recipe of Champion's helm
Gothic Shield: Chaos hydra's - Recipe of Serpent vestment
Great Axe: Minotaur king's - Recipe of Thunderstroke
Great Helm: Dendroid's - Recipe of Pulsing horns
Great Helm: Unicorn's - Recipe of Serpent of Vistira
Great Maul of Dexterity (V) - Recipe of Dragonheart
Great Sword: Minotaur's - Recipe of Citaa
Great Sword: Minotaur king's - Recipe of Rahvan's sunsword
Grim Wand: Ancient behemoth's - Recipe of The curving stream


Halberdier's Ring - Recipe of Gold ring
Hard Leather Armor: Basilisk's - Recipe of Ancient's majesty
Hard Leather Armor: Elf's - Recipe of Elven battlemage robe
Hard Leather Armor: Monk's - Recipe of Traveler's robe
Hard Leather Armor: Naga queen's - Recipe of Bloodsoaked leather
Hard Leather Armor: Pit fiend's - Recipe of Ravager armor
Harpy Hag's Ring - Recipe of The warlord's sign
Hawk Helm: Bowman's - Recipe of Sight of the eagle
Hawk Helm: Dendroid's - Recipe of Gram's relic
Hawk Helm: Dendroid's - Recipe of Ravager helm
Heavy Boots: Elf's - Recipe of Elven battlemage boots
Heavy Boots: Greater basilisk's - Recipe of Beastmaster boots
Heavy Boots: Lizard's - Recipe of The warlord's tread
Helm: Dwarf's - Recipe of Gram's relic
Helm of Glory: Dendroid's - Recipe of Nightwolf crest
Helm of Glory: Lizard's - Recipe of Elfhame
Helm of Glory: Monk's - Recipe of Diamond mask
Heraldic Shield: Griffin's - Recipe of Royal shield
Holy Sword: Monk's - Recipe of Heirloom sword
Hunters Bow: Pixie's - Recipe of Witherstring


Infernal Troglodyte's Amulet - Recipe of Silver amulet
Infernal Troglodyte's Amulet - Recipe of Hunter's mark
Infernal Troglodyte's Ring - Recipe of The warlord's sign


Jawbone Cap: Lizard's - Recipe of Helm of nobility
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Diamond mask
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Elfhame
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Flechette ward
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Grace of night
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Growth of ages
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Mantle of the north
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Nightwolf crest
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Oakcase
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Panther's paw
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Purifier vestments
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Shadowstep
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Shadow assassin mask
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Smoke's cowl
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Stonecase
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Stormdancers
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Tyrant's horns
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Vigilant hauberk
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Volcano boots
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Wildclaw
Jewel of Armor (V) - Recipe of Wyrmskin cowl
Jewel of Damage (V) - Recipe of Balance
Jewel of Damage (V) - Recipe of Endkindled cleaver
Jewel of Damage (V) - Recipe of Frenzy
Jewel of Damage (V) - Recipe of Isterus wisdom
Jewel of Damage (V) - Recipe of Magister's station
Jewel of Dexterity (V) - Recipe of Cliffkiller
Jewel of Dexterity (V) - Recipe of Doomslinger
Jewel of Dexterity (V) - Recipe of Ichorsting
Jewel of Dexterity (V) - Recipe of Pluckeye
Jewel of Dexterity (V) - Recipe of Raven claw
Jewel of Dexterity (V) - Recipe of Witherstring
Jewel of Dexterity (V) - Recipe of Wizendraw
Jewel of Strength (V) - Recipe of Bloodthief
Jewel of Strength (V) -Recipe of Doomlance
Jewel of Strength (V) - Recipe of Gorerod
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Assassin's heirloom
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Forest light
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Gleamstone
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Keh's might
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Kreya's pendant
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Lorethal's eminence
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Queen's husk
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Relentless amulet
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Soul of the north
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Soranith's amulet
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Stoutgrip
Jewel of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Water spirit's blessing


Katar: Ancient behemoth's -Recipe of Suwayyah
Kite Shield: Dendroid's - Recipe of Meteoric shield


Lance Guard: Dwarf's - Recipe of Platinum shield
Lava Boots: Ogre's - Recipe of Volcano boots
Lazarus Spire: Crusader's - Recipe of Genesis
Lazarus Spire: Pegasus' - Recipe of Oakheart staff
Lazarus Spire: Skeleton's - Recipe of Isterus wisdom
Lazarus Spire: Skeleton's - Recipe of Death razor
Leather Armor: Pikeman's - Recipe of The radiant sun
Leather Armor: Vampire lord's - Recipe of Bloodsoaked leather
Lichs Mogul's Amulet - Recipe of The lich's heart
Lichs Mogul's Amulet - Recipe of Mysterious token
Lichs Mogul's Amulet - Recipe of The lich's hands
Lichs Mogul's Amulet - Recipe of Moon quiver
Lichs Mogul's Ring - Recipe of The lich's tooth
Lichs Mogul's Ring - Recipe of The lich's hands
Light Plate of Endurance (V) - Recipe of Eternal dignity
Light Plate: Naga queen's - Recipe of Serpent vestment
Light Plate: Pit lord's - Recipe of The radiant sun
Long Battle Bow: Gnoll's - Recipe of Wizendraw
Long Bow: Gremlin's - Recipe of Raven claw
Long Staff of Health (V) - Recipe of Beastmaster staff


Mace: Crusader's - Recipe of Champion's defender
Mancatcher: Elf's - Recipe of Bloodthief
Mancatcher: Wolf's - Recipe of Doomlance
Marksman's Amulet - Recipe of The lich's heart
Mask: Elf's - Recipe of Pulsing horns
Matriarchal Bow: Ghost behemoth's - Recipe of Soldier's justice
Matriarchal Pike: Magi's - Recipe of Gorerod
Maul: Black knight's - Recipe of Dragonheart
Medusa Emperor's Amulet - Recipe of Silver amulet
Medusa Emperor's Amulet - Recipe of Mysterious token
Mighty Gorgon's Ring - Recipe of Harmony of all
Mighty Gorgon's Ring - Recipe of Beastmaster staff
Morning Star: Crusader's - Recipe of Thorn
Morning Star: Monk's - Recipe of Desert fire


Necromancer's Dagger (V) - Recipe of Blood drinker
Necromancer's Double Axe (V) - Recipe of Istaura's justice


Ogre Mage's Amulet - Recipe of The warlord's crest
Ogre Mage's Ring - Recipe of The lich's tooth


Paladin's Bastard Sword (V) - Recipe of Rahvan's sunsword
Paladin's Scimitar (V) - Recipe of Champion's edge


Quilted Armor of Endurance (V) - Recipe of Beastmaster garb
Quiver: Lizard's - Recipe of Moon quiver


Ring Mail: Monk's - Recipe of Ravager skin
Ring Mail: Pit lord's - Recipe of Ravager armor
Ring of Mana (V) - Recipe of Elven ring
Rogues Chief's Ring - Recipe of Recovery ring
Rogues Chief's Ring - Recipe of Gold ring
Rondache: Dwarf's - Recipe of Mirror of Vistira
Rondache of Wisdom (V) - Recipe of Glimmerhold


Scale Mail: Naga's - Recipe of Ravager skin
Shaman's Staff: Elf's - Recipe of Magister's station
Short War Bow: Ogre's - Recipe of Pluckeye
Skull Cap: Imp's - Recipe of The iron crown
Soul Harvest: Skeleton's - Recipe of Frost talon
Spiked Club: Crusader's - Recipe of Addiction
Spiked Club: Gnoll's - Recipe of Thorn
Spirit Mask: Vampire lord's - Recipe of Spite
Splint Mail: Dendroid's - Recipe of The warlord's cage
Splint Mail: Dendroid's - Recipe of Entropy
Splint Mail of Health (V) - Recipe of Fire king's trappings
Sprite's Ring - Recipe of Recovery ring
Sprite's Ring - Recipe of Hands of flame
Steel Clash: Golem's - Recipe of Platinum shield
Studded Leather: Basilisk's - Recipe of Beastmaster garb
Studded Leather: Naga's - Recipe of Traveler's robe
Studded Leather: Naga queen's - Recipe of Nature's avatar


Talons: Ghost behemoth's - Recipe of Suwayyah
Targe: Lizard's - Recipe of Glimmerhold
The Centurion: Bowman's - Recipe of Forgotten armor
The Chieftain: Ogre's - Recipe of Grimsteel reaver
The Minotaur: Goblin's - Recipe of Grimsteel reaver
The Patriarch: Crusader's - Recipe of Frostheim
The Salamander-Centaur Captain's - Recipe of Oakheart staff
Tower Shield: Cavalier's - Recipe of Meteoric shield
Tower Shield: Champion's - Recipe of Champion's defender


Undead Crown of Damage (V) - Recipe of Death helm
Undead Crown: Magi's - Recipe of Spite
Undead Crown: Vampire's - Recipe of Bloodsoaked ring
Undead Crown: Vampire's - Recipe of Mask of slaughter
Undead Crown: Vampire lord's - Recipe of Chaos glare
Undead Wrath: Dread Knight's - Recipe of Frost talon


Venoms Ward: Vampire lord's - Recipe of Bloodspeaker robe


War Axe: Crusader's - Recipe of Soulburn
War Axe of Health (V) - Recipe of Bloodpounder
War Hammer: Wolf's - Recipe of Bloodpounder
War Sword: Pegasus' - Recipe of Bloodletter
Weak Maul - Recipe of Earth crafter
Weak Great Maul - Recipe of Earth crafter
Wolf Head: Harpy's - Recipe of Helm of the wild
Wolf Head: Imp's - Recipe of Helm of the wild
Wonder Shield: Champion's - Recipe of Flechette


Yew Wand: Ghost behemoth's - Recipe of The curving stream
Yew Wand: Minotaur king's - Recipe of Blood drinker


Zealot's Amulet - Recipe of Master's charm
Zombie's Ring - Recipe of Bloodsoaked
15-12-21 08:47
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