pumpkin/present, max health all
monster increase by 5%,
monster stat constant not
increase each level up,
#increase rune(rune lv60 like
amn, shae, dol, sol) drop by 1%,
#life leech work at max health,
bonus stat for item and
monster like last round,
#add breeder class that only sell
class pet{there are all class pet
from lv1(like boar)-lv80(like
ctulhu) at this breeder} so many
player do not waste their time
to wait class pet spawn
#upgrade arcomage battle that
can put bet credits, and if
someone make a challange and
set bet for 10c his credits
decrease 10c, the text will
appear in pvp server chat, if
other player klik it and agree
with that bet(10c) the
arcomage battle will begin, the
winner recive 20c if both bet is
10c. Max bet is 25c and min bet
is 5c.
Thanks for reward pvp server
last round
16-01-09 05:24
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