Ideas » Pet Fusion
armor: How about adding pet fusion? Pet fusion will only be available for pets which have level requirement of at least 60. This is to reduce the number of possible combinations for the fusion. Also, each of the pets to be fused must have at least level 60. The fused pet will be reset to level 1 and the new stats of the fused pet is just the combined base stats of the pets used in the fusion. A fused pet also has a double stat gain for every level. This may bring back the use of pets in higher levels since pets are somehow not so helpful at very high levels.
16-04-26 19:33
armor: Say for example: A druid can fuse a Unicorn and Bear King (both requires at least level 60) to a form a stronger pet. Another thing is that there will be a separate list for fused pets in the library. Initially, the fused pets list is empty and when a player managed to fuse a new pet, that new pet will be listed in the library with the player's name beside the pet indicating that he/she is the player who discovered that new pet. Pet fusion will cost some credits, say 100c and those who discovered the new pets will be rewarded, say 50c. This will be another competition for players in this game.
16-04-26 19:42
ninetail1: This idea sound great
17-10-26 04:26
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