silver_eyes: silver_eyes is an eye that is made of silver
13-05-28 19:30
illusionz: lol, well my Illusionz came from my shade name of DzrtDrmz (Desert Dreams). I used that chr name here long time ago but can't access it even though I have the right password (white screen)... So..Illusionz came from Dreamz.
13-05-29 02:34
dora_the_xplorer: my name is Dora!
and am 5 years old
and idk what dora means
13-05-29 14:51
noob_saibot: my name means "cybot is noob" peace MOD Cybot

it sounds like noob_cybot.
13-05-29 15:05
hydreigonite: I got my name from a hybrid pokemon

hydrei/gon + dra/gonite = hydreigonite
13-05-31 15:54