*create a map navigator please, so we can easily go back to town or finding a monster we want without getting a wrong way, you can't use it before exploring a land, so you must explore a land first to use it. Ex. You are barbarian and you have done explore all barb area and pally area, but you never touch druid area, you can use map navigator for land that had you explore, so you can use it to find mobs and land at barb area and pally area, and you must explore druid area first to use navigator map
*random reward
change random reward to reward that we want, so we can choose it
*fix potion/buy and use
when I try buy and use a minor potion, my health only increase 30, it must be 100, fix it please
*decrease lv that can set buy it now price to lv 25 it was 40
*bow is useless in this martis, so please add a bonus damage to bow
*maintance gear
if you use a gear oftenly it must be broke, so you must repair it with gold, it will be broke when you get 1000x win/day, broke effects -decrease stats by 10%, when you get 999 win today and day is change it will reset, back to 0, and if you get 1000 win today and day is change, your gear still need repairing
I am a human can I go to orc area ? How ?
16-06-09 15:27

Armor: +10 (+5)
Strength: +1 (+1)
I am equipping buckler damage IV,
it say when I equip targe my damage doesn't decrease, fix or repair it please
16-06-09 16:43
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